Project Botticelli

New Content (June 2015)

Data Science, Power View, Cubes, New Pricing

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Practical Data Science with Azure ML, R and SQL

Agenda for Practical Data Science with Azure ML, SQL and R Classroom Course

I wrote, and I teach a first-in-the-world, hands-on, intensive 4-day classroom course: Practical Data Science with Azure Machine Learning, SQL Data Mining and R. I am bringing it to Dublin, London, Stockholm, Chicago, and Oslo (other locations are being considered). Click here to read the detailed syllabus, to find out the dates, and to book your place. The first, trial run in Sweden went very well, and it was sold out, so don't wait too long before you book. By the way, if you bring your own data, you will get a chance to analyse it with my help during the course. Can't wait to meet you in person!

Welcome Ben Watt: Power View Expert

Ben Watt introduces Power View

Ben Watt has joined as our newest author! Ben specialises in BI and he focuses on delivering analytics to end-users. Ben has two videos for you, which are now part of our small-but-complete course on the existing version of Power BI. A 10-min What is Microsoft Power View, which is a free introduction to the Excel 2013-based Power View, and a detailed, 50-minute, Power View in Depth.

Ben shows how to build dashboards with Excel 2013 and Power View

In that second video you will learn how to connect to data, use filters, all of the visualisations, how to format maps and how to share your reports using the existing version of Power BI.

SSAS: Cubes, Measures, and Measure Groups

Chris Webb teaches how to build cubes, measures, and measure groups

The next instalment in Chris Webb's popular course on SSAS Cube Design teaches you how to build cubes, measures, and measure groups. You will also learn about various dimension-measure relationships, measure expressions, Distinct Counts, semi-additive aggregations, important properties such as FormatString, and actions, like a drill down, perspectives and translations. There will be another module (Cube Security) coming out later this month, and a final one in July.

Pricing Changes in July 2015

Our pricing model is changing in two stages in 2015. The first changes take place in July 2015, the rest towards the end of the year. Please read here to find out what is changing and why and when. The most immediate changes are:

  • 1 Month (Individual and Group) Full Access Memberships will be no longer available from July 2015, however, all the already purchased ones, including any valid but still unredeemed 1-month group memberships will be fully respected and they will work as they have done before.
  • 3 Months Full Access Membership will be replaced with a longer, 6 Months Full Access Membership in July 2015. I expect it to be priced at about US $190 (plus applicable taxes).
  • 1 Year Full Access Membership will remain unchanged, for now, at US $290.

Newsletter Promo: $50 Off

For all newsletter readers: take $50 off when subscribing or renewing all annual memberships, code valid until the end of June. Use it also for group memberships—great for companies. The code is:


If you renew, your new membership will extend your existing one, and nothing will change for you while it remains valid, even after we have introduced the new pricing—as long as your membership has not expired. This is a good discount, we have never offered it in a newsletter, and I won't be offering it again this year.

Enjoy learning BI and advanced analytics with us.


Rafal Lukawiecki, Strategic Consultant and Director, Project Botticelli Ltd

Project Botticelli New Content Announcements