Project Botticelli

Spring 2021 Live Course Dates

31 December 2020 · 309 views

Happy New Year!

We have just opened bookings for the Spring 2021 Practical Machine Learning courses. We offer both of our highly-successful classes: the intro to machine learning using Azure ML, and the intermediate class that focuses on machine learning and data science using R and Microsoft SQL and ML Servers. You can find out more and book on this page. Join the ranks of over 900 data scientists who have attended my courses over the past few years!

On a side-note, there are some VAT-related changes that will make our courses cheaper for non-commercial (ie. business-to-consumer) customers. As an Irish-based provider we are now able to offer VAT exempt pricing for our vocational, live courses. This means consumers based in Ireland and EU will see no VAT added to the price. This does not affect our commercial customers, who, as long as they provide a valid VAT number, will continue to benefit from the zero rate of VAT. Although the net effect may be the same (no VAT charged by us) there is an important accounting difference between exemption and zero-rating. I am glad we can support both scenarios. This does not affect customers based outside of EU, like from Canada, USA, and, as of 2021, those from UK—no Irish VAT arises in those cases but you are responsible for any taxes that may be due in your jurisdiction.
