Project Botticelli

How to Succeed with Data Science

How to Succeed with Data Science

It has been a while since I have posted on our web site—it has been a very busy year, much more than any other I can think of—except 2010 when I took 189 flights and I have travelled to 48 countries talking about the upcoming major future of self-service BI...much of it today's reality.

Data science has taken off everywhere, even to some of my surprise. I have more serious client projects than I have expected and that has kept me away from online training content. Plans have gone astray, but new ones are in place, with, I hope, new Cortana Intelligence courses to record in January.

I just wrote an essay addressing one of the most common questions I get asked: what should be your first data science project? You see, I have had my share of successful and failed projects since I have embarked on these ten years ago. While I am happy to say that the rate with which I now succeed on customer projects is much better than in the past, that is not just because I happen to know my field better. It is because I am better at setting my own and my customer’s expectations, and by being more careful in choosing the projects that I want to dive into. I would like to share some of my observations with those of you who are newer to this field. I would like to save you some frustration and to help you succeed as often as possible. Read my essay here:

Class: Practical Data Science with Azure ML, SQL and R

I am chuffed that Microsoft have been promoting my training to some half-a-million people around the world. I strongly believe that if you want to get started in data science, it is not just the technology that matters, but a sound understanding of the concepts, like hypothesis testing or model validity that will make the difference. My week-long course covers all of that, as well as the Azure Machine Learning, SQL Server Data Mining, and Microsoft R Server technologies. The London course has sold out, but I still have spaces left in the last locations for 2016. Click below—and join me! You will learn a lot and I am sure it will help in your career:

If you would like to find out more about the courses, have a look here, especially check out the detailed syllabus. This course has now been delivered over 13 times, and I have already trained over 250 data scientists just in the last year—most of them have started excellent, exciting, and profitable projects. Join us!

I wish you much success in analytics, and I promise to write more later this year. Thank you, very much, for following my updates. I appreciate your support.


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Rafal Lukawiecki, Data Scientist and Director, Project Botticelli Ltd

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