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DAX AW Sample Data Set Purchase this course

30 October 2012 · 4 comments · 2822 views

PowerPivot Workbook for Learning DAX

If you would like to follow Marco and Alberto’s demos, you will find it easier if you use the same data as they do in the video. This workbook already contains calculated columns and measures created in the video. You can create new ones or remove the existing ones and creating the same ones as you have seen in the video. We offer this workbook as a free bonus for Full Access Members who are following our DAX online course.

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arthurjenkins1969 · 6 January 2013

Hello Marco. I have downloaded the DAX AW Data Set but it does not seem to work correctly in Excel 2013. Is there any reason why this might be so?

Thank you.

Arthur Jenkins

Marco Russo · 8 January 2013


I just tried it and it works.
When you open the workbook, you have to confirm that you want to upgrade the PowerPivot data to the new version - this happens as soon as you try to open the PowerPivot Manage window.
Please let me know if it works to you, or what error you have if otherwise.


qwiksilver96 · 16 July 2014

Marco, I too have the same issue as Arthur Jenkins. Running Excel 2013 and get notified that the data model needs to be upgraded. Upon clicking OK, I receive the following error: "PowerPivot is unable to load the Data Model".

Thank you,

Marco Russo · 16 July 2014

you have to extract the file from the original ZIP first. After you extracted and saved the Excel file in a folder, you open the file in Excel and the upgrade works.
What you described seems the behavior you have by opening the file directly from the ZIP file (it's saved in a temp directory but you cannot upgrade in that case).
