Project Botticelli

MDX Performance Profiling

19 May 2014 · 612 views

Our MDX course is now complete!

MDX LogoWe have just published the latest installment in Chris Webb’s popular online training course on Multidimensional Expressions. This latest module covers the use of SQL Server Profiler for MDX Performance Diagnosis to benchmark MDX queries, which is a necessary step before you could tune them up.

This will be the last MDX-focused video for a little while. Nevertheless, we are planning to offer a new way to get support while learning MDX later this year, so please make sure you join us as a member to be the first to get the news—and we promise that you will be in very good hands if you become a Full Access Member. If you are not sure yet, however, please go ahead, and watch some of the free videos, like MDX Basic Concepts.