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Evaluation Contexts and Relationships Purchase this course

25 November 2017 · 198 views

Mastering DAX Workshop

After you have seen the basics of evaluation context and the CALCULATE function, it is time to analyze how the relationships of a data model affects their behavior. You will learn how to transfer a row context following relationships, and how the filter context automatically propagates through relationships.

Before reaching the context transition, you will see several examples using CALCULATE, filtering many columns and applying filter arguments to CALCULATE, with special considerations about the use of FILTER and CROSSFILTER functions. You will also learn how to use HASONEVALUE and ALLSELECTED functions.

You will learn how relationships affect the behavior of context transition invoked by CALCULATE when it is executed within a row context. Remember that CALCULATE is automatically added in every measure reference and the context transition is just an equivalent filter context that might aggregate duplicated rows and generate circular dependencies.

After a recap about the effects of the relationships, you will be introduced to Lab 3.

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