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Lab Exercise Files and Presentation PDF Purchase this course

26 November 2017 · 1225 views

Mastering DAX Workshop

How to download and complete lab exercises

The Mastering DAX Workshop course includes lab exercises that you can (and should!) complete while you follow the course videos. In total, you get over 700M worth of data to work with. Each lab is introduced at the end of the relevant video module. In this section, we provide the complete exercise book and a single ZIP file including exercises for all the modules. You can also download a PDF with the slides used in the video course.

Exercises are available in two formats: for Power BI, and for Power Pivot for Excel. You can use the one that corresponds to your favorite tool. The exercises are identical, we have just adapted the files and the description of the exercises (including the screenshots) to make them available for both platforms.

Please note, these files are only available if you have purchased access to this course.

Preliminary software setup

You need the following software installed (the following list is mandatory) to complete the labs:

If you are a Power Pivot (in Excel) user, then you might prefer using the exercises designed for Power Pivot for Excel, and in that case you need the following product installed, too:

  • Microsoft Office Excel 2013 Pro Plus (not Pro)
  • Microsoft Office Excel 2016 Pro, or Pro Plus
  • Subscription to Office 365 plan E3, E4, or E5 

You can use either 32-bit or 64-bit of Excel 2013 for this course. You need a fully-installed, local version, even if you obtain it from an Office 365 subscription—online, browser-based versions are not suitable. Office for Mac is not suitable, either, because only the Windows editions contain Power Pivot. Bearing in mind limitations of the Microsoft evaluation licensing, the evaluation editions (trials) of these versions of office are suitable for the labs.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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