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Working with Iterators Purchase this course

25 November 2017 · 729 views

Mastering DAX Workshop

Many DAX functions, including all the aggregations, iterate a table executing a DAX expression for each row, in a specific row context. Using these functions, called iterators, it is important to control the granularity of the calculation in case a context transition is executed for each iteration. In this module, you will see different examples that explains how to control the granularity of an iterator, so that you can obtain the expected result.

Starting with a daily average calculation, you will see several useful iterators and how to compute MIN-MAX sales per customer. After a recap of statistical and financial functions, you will also see a number of examples related to RANKX function. This is not because this function is more important than others, but because it is a good example of the importance of controlling context transition and parameters passed to iterators, in order to obtain the expected result.

After a recap of RANKX and other details, you should practice Lab 4.

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