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Presentations (PPTs)

Over 50 of the popular PPTs (not PDFs) on: Artificial Intelligence, Azure ML, Azure AI (incl Cognitive Services and Bots), Data Science, Power BI, Microsoft R and ML Servers, R in general, and advanced analytics. Includes Microsoft Ignite, Data Science Summit and the Advanced Analytics and Data Science Roadshows, as well as various keynotes and roadshows focused on the future of data and databases from global conferences from this and the past years are available here.

What is Power Query?

Chris Webb Introduces Power Query

This short, free, 15-minute video by Chris Webb introduces Microsoft Power Query and its key functionality: data extraction from different sources, cleansing, transformation, aggregation, and loading of the results.

Introduction to PowerPivot for SQL Server 2012

The second module in this online training course, offers a 1 hour introduction to PowerPivot for SQL Server 2012, sometimes referred to as PowerPivot “2”. This module is of importance to those who need to model tabular data for analytics, or who simply want to explore a data set, before making a decision if it is worthwhile analysing it further. Also, if you plan on learning about BI Semantic Model, you need to know about PowerPivot “2”, as Tabular Mode of SSAS, and BI Semantic Model, make extensive use of the new PowerPivot features, extending them to enterprise needs. This module is presented as a series of slides, graphics, discussions, and 15 demos, recorded in high-resolution, so that you can follow the steps yourself.

Introduction to Power View in SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services

Introduction to SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services Power View

The third module of this course introduces the newest addition to the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform: Power View, which is part of SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services. You will hear explanations of the fundamental concepts of Power View, such as Measures, and you will see all of its key features, including data visualizations, such as the animated Bubble Charts, in 17 hi-def easy-to-follow demos. You will hear how to source data for Power View, and how to share your reports by exporting them to PowerPoint, as a presentation, with slides that literally come alive in front of your audience!

What is Microsoft Power BI?

Rafal shows Power BI Q&A

This short 15-min video shows how Excel and Power BI make advanced analytics fast, visually pleasing—and easy, by understanding human questions about your data. You will even see it work on an iPad!

Power Query Fundamentals

Chris Webb explains Power Query query editing steps

Let Chris Webb introduce the fundamentals of Power Query: connecting, transforming, and loading of the results, in this detailed, demo-driven, hands-on 45-minute video, which focuses on the Query Editor in Power Query.

Introducing Microsoft Power BI

Rafal introduces the components of Power BI and Excel BI

Let Rafal introduce all the key components of Microsoft Power BI in this in-depth, demo-rich 1-hour 15-minute video. You will learn about the key Power BI Sites feature and the amazing Q&A for natural language queries, and also about the cornerstone of this technology: Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View, and Power Map in Excel.

Irish Economic Crisis Visualised in Power BI

Where Did Ireland Get The Money From?

Carmel Gunn and Bob Duffy explore the Irish Economic Crisis using Power Query, Power Map, Power View and Q&A in this 40-min video. Could Power BI prevent a small country run a shocking €200bn debt?

Introduction to DAX

This 1-hour video introduces you to the language of DAX: Data Analysis Expressions. Marco Russo, and Alberto Ferrari, world-experts on this subject, and popular book authors, also explain how to get ready for your study, what to prepare, and what to expect in the end.

Next Year in Machine Learning, Data Science, AI and BI

ML, BI, DS, and AI Trends that Shaped 2019

The trends that shaped 2019 and predictions for the future of machine learning and analytics. Why you should abandon Hadoop, brush up on statistics and obsess less about technology.

What is Power BI?

Before you start to learn about how to use Power BI, it’s important to understand what Power BI actually is.

What is Microsoft Power View?

Ben Watt shows a Power View dashboard

Ben Watt introduces you to Microsoft Power View in this short, 10-minute video.

Power View in Depth

Ben Watt explains how to build enterprise dashboards using Power View in Excel

Following from his quick intro to Power View, Ben Watt presents a 50-minute in-depth tutorial leading you through all of the features of this data exploration and reporting tool. You will learn how to connect to data, use filters, all of the visualisations, how to format maps and how to share your reports using Power BI.

What is Power BI?

What is Power BI?

Before you start to learn about how to use Power BI, it’s important to understand what Power BI actually is.

Working with Iterators

Many DAX functions, including all the aggregations, iterate a table executing a DAX expression for each row, in a specific row context. Using these functions, called iterators, it is important to control the granularity of the calculation in case a context transition is executed for each iteration. In this module, you will see different examples that explains how to control the granularity of an iterator, so that you can obtain the expected result.

Connecting to Data Sources

There are three ways that you can work with data in Power BI Desktop. First of all, the most commonly-used method is to import data into a dataset. This involves copying data from your data sources into Power BI’s own internal database. This gives you the fastest possible query performance and the ability to use all of Power BI’s features but it also has some downsides too: refreshing data can be slow, you have to refresh data regularly so that it stays up-to-date, and there are limits on the amount of data you can import into a dataset.

Table Functions

The learning goal of this module is to introduce you to the notion of table functions and to quickly describe the most important ones, but not to provide a detailed explanation of all the functions yet, as that happens in the later modules. Above all, you will see the interaction between tables and relationships and how to create calculated tables.

Querying with DAX

You can use DAX to create calculated columns and measures, but you can also use DAX as a query language with the help of specific tools such as DAX Studio. The query syntax is based on the EVALUATE statement, which materializes to the client the result of a table expression. For this reason, after learning how to write DAX queries using EVALUATE in DAX Studio, you will learn a number of table functions useful in both queries and other DAX expressions.

Data Refresh

After a report has been published you will want to ensure that the data in that report stays up-to-date. For reports that use DirectQuery data sources or Live Connections, your data will always be up-to-date without you needing to do anything. Reports that use imported data, though, will need to have the data behind them refreshed on a schedule.

Power BI New Features and Course Updates

Power BI New Features and Course Updates

This short video explains how we have updated the Power BI course modules with the new features that were added during 2018.

The Future of Power BI

The Future of Power BI by Chris Webb

This video contains some thoughts about what 2019 holds for Power BI, based on various announcements made by Microsoft during 2018, especially its focus on enterprise features.

Data Model for Irish Economic Crisis Video

You can examine the crisis line and other economy metrics discussed in Bob and Carmel’s Irish Economic Crisis Visualised in Power BI video using the these two Excel 2013 workbooks. One contains the full data models with all the relationships and most source data, DAX calculations and Power View visualisations, while the other one has been optimised to work well with the Power BI Q&A feature, making good use of its synonyms feature. We offer these workbooks for Full Access Members only.

Power View Excel Demo Worksheet

If you would like to use the same Excel worksheet as the one shown in Ben’s Power View videos, please get it here. It is available for Full Acess Members.

Administration and Auditing

If you are a Power BI administrator you will have access to the Admin Portal in the Power BI site. This contains a number of settings that control how Power BI features behave, or even whether those features are available to users at all.


CALCULATE is by far the most important, useful, and complex function of the DAX language. In reality, the function itself is an easy one. It only performs a few tasks, but the number of scenarios where CALCULATE is necessary, along with the complexity of the formulas that can be written with CALCULATE, make a full chapter absolutely necessary.

DAX and the Data Model

DAX is the query and calculation language of the Power BI Data Model. DAX can be used to create three types of object in Power BI Desktop: calculated columns, which add new columns containing derived values to an existing table; measures, which control how data aggregates up in reports; and calculated tables, which are tables derived from other tables loaded into the Data Model.

Transforming Data with the Query Editor

Once you have connected to your data sources you can use the functionality of the Query Editor to transform it so that it is in the format you need it for Power BI - which is typically a dimensional model.


Evaluation Contexts

At this point in the course, you have learned the basics of the DAX language. You know how to create calculated columns and measures, and you have a good understanding of common functions used in DAX. With the knowledge you have gained so far, you can already create many interesting reports, but you will need to learn evaluation contexts in order to create reports that are more complex.

Modelling Data

So far we have seen how the Query Editor can be used to generate tables of data - after this point, these tables are loaded into the Power BI data model, the internal database that stores all imported data in Power BI, and into a dataset.

Power BI Premium and Power BI Embedded

Power BI Premium and Embedded

Most users of Power BI will be using it with Power BI Pro licences, but there are other options, and this video explains what Power BI Premium and Power BI Embedded are and when you would want to use them.

Connecting to Data Sources

Connecting to Data Sources

There are three ways that you can work with data in Power BI Desktop: import data, Live Connection, and Direct Access.

Time Intelligence in DAX

In this section, you will learn how to implement common date-related calculations such as year-to-date, year-over-year, comparisons over years, running total, and moving annual total.

Advanced Data Loading

Everything that happens in the Query Editor is translated, behind the scenes, into a language called M. M is a functional language designed specifically for data loading and transformation.

Data Import Concepts

Importing data into Power BI happens inside the Query Editor. A task to import data from one or more data sources into Power BI is called a Query, and a Query consists of one or more Steps, each of which either connect to a data source or transform the data in some way.


Power BI Desktop vs Excel

Once you have loaded data into Power BI and modelled it, it is time to build reports. Power BI Desktop is the obvious choice, but you can also use Excel. Power BI Desktop is the best choice when you want to build eye-catching reports, reports that work well on mobile devices, and reports with a somewhat static structure. Excel is the best choice when you just want to explore data, or if you want to build financial-style reports.

Evaluation Contexts and Relationships

After you have seen the basics of evaluation context and the CALCULATE function, it is time to analyze how the relationships of a data model affects their behavior. You will learn how to transfer a row context following relationships, and how the filter context automatically propagates through relationships.

Cloud and Desktop Power BI Dashboards and Reports

When you start to build a report in Power BI Desktop you are given a single, empty page to work with. Before you start building your report, though, you may want to configure the properties of the page that govern its size and shape, and how it expands and contracts to fill different sized screens. There is also the option of creating a separate layout of your report for viewing on a phone.

DAX and the Data Model

DAX and the Data Model

DAX is the query and calculation language of the Power BI Data Model. This video introduces its fundamental concepts: calculated columns, measures, and calculated tables.

Advanced Relationships

In this final section, you will learn how to handle complex relationships between tables by leveraging the DAX language. The goal is not to just give you pre-built patterns that you can use in your model. Instead, we want to show you unusual ways of using DAX to build complex models, to widen your idea of relationships, and to let you experience what you can achieve with DAX formulas.

Modelling Data

Modelling Data

This video explains how to model data using tables, relationships, hierarchies, and it covers important rules you need to follow, including restrictions on keys.

Connecting to Data Sources (2018 Updates)

Connecting to Data Sources (2018 Updates)

This video contains new content that is related to the Connecting to Data Sources section, and covers new features that have been added in late 2018.

Administration and Auditing

Administration and Auditing

This video introduces the Admin Portal in the Power BI site. It controls how Power BI features behave, and which are available to your users.

Data Import Concepts

Data Import Concepts

Importing data into Power BI happens inside the Query Editor. A task to import data from one or more data sources into Power BI is called a Query, and a Query consists of one or more Steps, each of which either connect to a data source or transform the data in some way.



Power BI offers a number of different licensing options, all of which are discussed in this video.

Hierarchies in DAX

In this section, you will learn how to create calculations over hierarchies and how to use DAX to transform a parent-child hierarchy into a regular hierarchy managed by the data model, hiding levels that should not be visible in a ragged hierarchy.

Data Refresh

Data Refresh

This short video explains how to keep your Power BI report up-to-date if you are not using DirectQuery or Live Connections—imported data needs a scheduled refresh.

Building Reports in Excel

There are two ways to connect Excel on the desktop up to data stored in Power BI: you can use the Analyse in Excel feature that was shown in an earlier section, or you can use the Power BI Publisher for Excel add-in which is probably easier to use for most users. Once you have created the connection you can use an Excel PivotTable to browse data in Power BI.

Transforming Data with the Query Editor

Transforming Data with the Query Editor

Once you have connected to your data sources you can use the functionality of the Query Editor to transform it so that it is in the format you need it for Power BI - which is typically a dimensional model.

Building a Date Table

Almost all data models need to analyze data over time. The first step for handling date calculation is to create a Date table, which simplifies any date-related calculation. Because of its importance, you should be careful when you create a Date table.

Transforming Data with the Query Editor (2018 Updates)

Transforming Data with the Query Editor (2018 Updates)

This video covers new features in Power BI that are relevant to the Transforming Data with the Query Editor section of the course.

Power BI Reports (2018 Updates)

Power BI Reports

This video covers new features in Power BI that have been released during 2018 and that are relevant to Power BI report design.

DAX and the Data Model (2018 Updates)

DAX and the Data Model (2018 Updates)

This video introduced new features in Power BI that have been added in 2018 and that are relevant to the DAX and the Data Model section of the course.

Advanced Data Loading

Advanced Data Loading

Everything that happens in the Query Editor is translated, behind the scenes, into a language called M. M is a functional language designed specifically for data loading and transformation.

Modelling Data (2018 Updates)

Modelling Data (2018 Updates)

This video discusses new features in Power BI that are related to the Modelling Data module of this course.

Azure Analysis Services

Azure Analysis Services

This video introduces Azure Analysis Services: a cloud-based version of SQL Server Analysis Services, which is essentially the same database engine that Power BI uses but available as a separate service, enhanced with sophisticated development tools and a rich security model.

Power BI Desktop vs Excel

Power BI Desktop vs Excel

Once you have loaded data into Power BI and modelled it, it is time to build reports. Power BI Desktop is the obvious choice, but you can also use Excel. This video explains both approaches.

Cloud and Desktop Power BI Dashboards and Reports

Cloud and Desktop Power BI Dashboards and Reports

This video introduces report building in Power BI, both for desktop, cloud, and mobile use.

Sharing, Distribution, and Security

Sharing, Distribution, and Security

This video shows different ways to share and secure Power BI reports.

Building Reports in Excel

Building Reports in Excel

This video shows the Power BI Publisher for Excel add-in to connect Excel on the desktop to data stored in Power BI, and the Excel Cube Formulas, which are more suited for highly-structured reports.

Advanced Filter Context

In this section we are going to uncover all the complexities of evaluation contexts and show many examples of expressions that look wrong at first sight, but only because you do not have a full understanding of how they work. Learning these detailed topics is mandatory if you want to fully understand DAX and learn how to use it in the more complicated scenarios.